
If you wish to play in our games, you must know at least one of the members that can vouch for you. Get them to white list you, and you will soon be joining us. ♥

When you log in the first time, you will be spawned into the Crossroads world with two portals. The portals are:

Spawnpoint v2.0

Spawnpoint 3.0 (TerraFormer world generator)

Other Functions

Dynmap: http://gingerbeer.gtsg.xyz:8123

Common In-Game Commands

  • /help : will always show you the in-game commands. To scroll the chat window to display the rest of the help file, enable chat and use the scroll wheel or page up/down keys to navigate.
  • /world spawn : will take you to the current world’s spawn. From here, right click the warp signs for Crossroads to take you back to the Crossroads Portal Hub.
  • /homes : display list of homes.
  • /home [name] : to warp back to your house.
  • /mc : enable magic carpet.
  • /whitelist add playername: add player to server.


MCMMO was removed because it was a major pain to maintain between worlds. That is all. ^_^